Thursday, February 11, 2010

2010 Web Art

The Berry 1/2 marathon.....I am registering..................

Ok, I am back and so thankful for the encouragement Laura and Donna. I skipped out yesterday ...but will say, I figured around 23 points. No trip to the gym yesterday.....Really, it is encouragement that is going to get this done. I am not sure why the strength and motivation is so there and then poof....gone. Rick Lavoie contends that one can only be motivated to do that which he or she is able to do....In other words all the encouragement, bribery, rewards etc. in the world will not motivate a person to do something that they cannot, for whatever reason, do. I have done this, therefore I can do it again. I am not trying to do something I haven't already done. And for reasons that most of you most likely understand but I may not be able to mention on a public blog, I have to lose this 10 - 12 pounds, and want to lose a bit more than that.
I did make it to the gym today....4 miles on the tread mill.
**A mystery***why is it easier for me to give weightloss advice and ideas and NOT be able to do the same myself.....I cannot follow my own advice....."keep up the good work, give it another week, average it out over the month, keep journaling, step up the activity, blah blah blah....."

food for the day.............

yogurt 3
1/2 turkey subway 5
Mrs. A (i confess) 3
Pretzils 5
Chicken breast 3
1 point bar 1
asperigus 0
Misc for the day 3

Oh yeaVitatop and pb 3
Have you tried any of these little jems of deliciousness? mmmmm the chocolate chunk with my Bettern' Peanut butter....... I have tried a variety of the flavors...they are all good! I found them in the organic freezer section in my Kroger .......

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I' m in a food funk.......

Ever been in one of those? It is not fun. I have been blogging and "journaling" for a week now....and I don't feel like I have lost any weight. I don't think I have had an awful day. I am just feeling yucky and not motivated. I almost went on to bed without logging my food. did I make it to the gym today? Yes. 3 miles on the treadmill. I felt like I was running uphill the entire time.

(Not me on the treadmill, fyi)

Thank you donna for all your comments and encouragement. Ok, I am supremely needy right now. I admit it. But I am in need of ya'll help, please. Especially if I am going to show a weight loss Saturday. I feel like I should, but not entirely sure I will. It is only Tuesday and I am tired.

Food fess up:

yogurt 3
2 point bar 2
porkchop 3
dressing 1
crackers 2
ok ok ok
Mrs. A 2
Soup 2
2 pt bar 2
turkey sausage 3
pretz. 2
muffin top 1
PB 3
26 sigh..... too much......

I am tired......cold.......tired of rain......needing encouragement......maybe I will lift weights tomorrow......I forgot to add the sweet tart hearts.....................

Monday, February 8, 2010,255,255&wid=327&qlt=90,0&layer=comp&op_sharpen=0&resMode=bicub&op_usm=0.7,1.0,0.5,0&fmt=jpegWell, here I am, back at the I Hop...but just for coffee, really. Just a couple of girlfriends sitting around the table, drinking coffee-although my cohorts are examining menus. But I have already had dinner and even the smell of pancakes are not tempting me, for now. It has been a long and potentially disastrous day, starting with me not going to the gym. I ate lunch room steak nuggets (ugh). What a yucky lunch. But the rest of the day has not been so bad. Let's see.....
Home made yogurt 3
2 points bar 2
5 steak nuggets guessing 6
black eye peas 1
yummy granola type mix from Fresh Market 4
Roast beef 4
Squash and onions 1

And again I will add 2 just for because...
and be happy with 23....Really happy.

Uh table mate just ordered french toast.....what will my other com padre order? Most likely the balsamac chicken....Oh no....the omelet.....spinach , tomato and mushroom, off the "for me" know I love the I hop......Tomorrow. the gym. no exceptions.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ok, today is Sunday. This time Thursday night I stated that I was tired of spending all week making up for the weekend. I think I may have achieved a weekend i do not have to "make up" for....Was today hard? "All you can eat" Northside Baptist Church after service lunch to celebrate our Pastor's birthday.....oh yeah. Bad mistake # 1....left the house without breakfast.....#2 kinda
losing it at the end of the day....but I am willing to see how it all shakes out.

Grits with some cheese 4
chicken breast W/o skin 4

I don't even know how to
proceede here,
several 'tastes' of lemon meringue pie
some kind of pistachio fluffy stuff
a spoon of this a spoon of that.....
I am counting all that for 10
Progresso 0 point soup 0
crackers and pb 5

If I have miscalculated today's taste fest.....I am goping the 6 mile run I did will make up for it....Yes, I ran 6 miles today....3 laps around the "school circle" which by LB's calculation on her I phone map lap was 2 mile. Now this circle is not for sissys! It has serious hills and we had a mild to moderate wind to deal with ....and it was cold! I give myself permission to warm up by walking and do some good weight lifting tomorrow.....good day! = )
( I am not watching the superbowl!)

Saturday, February 6, 2010 Well, we made it through Saturday, I Hop and all.....I personally love the I Hop......I remember the first item I ordered at I Hop in Lawton, Oklahoma.....Pigs in a blanket. Go figure! Today, however I ordered off the "for me"section which includes the calorie, fat, carb numbers. No fiber count but with the fresh fruit I figure 2 fibers is a good guess.....

WW 2 point bar 2
IHop 2 egg breakfast "for me"
(sub 1 small pancake for toast) 8
WW crackers and PB 4
0 point Progresso Southwestern soup
(forgot how much I like that stuff) 0
the rest of my Brick savory salad 3
Skinny Cow (mmmmm) 2
WW 1 point bar 1

Grand total for the day:______________________
I will throw in 2 for misc
or I hop miscalculation 2

Those are numbers I can live with. No, I did not make it to the gym today =( however I am planning an outdoor run....PROVIDING it is not all cold and rainy tomorrow! Today was awful, weather wise. Tomorrow is supposed to be better. Now, can I make it through the lunch after church tomorrow.....fried chicken, mac and cheese (the vegetable of choice for all red blooded southerners) green beans and a variety of home made yummy church lady deserts....I myself (with a little help) made a lemon meringue pie.. 9 1/2 X 13 size! Anybody reading this would like to come on and join at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. with Sunday School in between, 9:45....Come on down to Northside! Corner of MLK and Jefferson......Come join us for worship, and come join us in carrying the message of Jesus Christ to the city of Milledgeville and beyond. God Bless!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Well, day is done...gone the sun...
Let me tell you, this week has been enough to drive the most committed and dedicated dieter to eating! Rain rain and more rain makes for very few (2 to be exact) days on the playground. There is only so much you can do to make up for that.....parachutes and duck duck goose ....inside....lots of movement songs and antsey children wanting to be outside as badly as you want them to be! But we made it. And thanks to Punxie Phil, we've got 6 more weeks of winter. I know the Georgia equivalent declared an early spring but.....I am kinda a died in the wool phan of phil....if you will....

So lets see how I faired for the day, points wise....(or unwise)......And I know I do this so completly backwards. Its like going to the grocery store blindfolded and without a shopping list or any clue how much I have to spend...getting to the check out and wringing my hands until the bill is tallied. Hoping I don't over spend and that i got everything I needed.... as I made it to the gym (only) 3 days this week (I am gonna try for in the morning, really)
maybe my next goal ought to be MEAL PLANNING. Oh yeah, I remember that! That is what I used to do!

store bought yougurt 2
2 points bar um 2
cereal and milk (yes, I ate 2 breakfasts) 3
I am just going to add up my salad
lettuce, tom, cuke, carrot 0
salad dressing 1
VERY small potato 2
Chili (maybe 1/3 C 3
Strawberry shortcake 4
Apple and PB 3
4 wings 4(?)
1/2 brick savory salad 2

Is that it? Im thinking.......________
hmmm 26

I may have overestimated on the chili and the strawberry shortcake because really, I had very small portions of both...but I would rather err on the side of caution. But, I know that is too many. Should have skipped the cake and the wings or at least one or the other. But can I go to the brick and forgo the wings? mmmmmm I don't know......But so much worse It could have been. No butter, cheese or sour cream on the potato. Only 4 wings. I wanted the Buffalo Brick Chick....really really bad....but I saladed....I saladed for 2 of three meal....I would say it was a good day in the food department, wouldn't you?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Better N Peanut Butter BPB OR-4 Better'n Peanut Butter 16 oz. Original - 4 Pack

I have another confession....I am hopelessly addicted the the product pictured ......Better'n Peanut Butter. It is so creamy and peanutty. Oh, on a banana, on an apple, on a caramel rice cake, on my finger! Whatever I happen to slather it on.....I am never disappointed! 100 calories and 2 grams of fat per 2 tablespoons. mmmmmm. I want some right now!

ok, I know you are wondering how the day to the gym....ran 1 mile then did about 30 minutes of weight lifting. I am trying to incorporate more weight bearing exercising in my routine. I perfer running as I get a little hung up on sweating .....equating that with a worthy work out. However, the Oxygen Mag my daughter subscribed me to for Christmas insists that that is not the case. And it is helping to convince me by showing lots of good lifting exercises for us ladies!

Ok....point time

museli with a tad of yogurt 3.5
the other half of that subway 5
chips 2
100 calorie chocolate cookie thing 2
uh..Mrs A : ( (but such control) 2
home made taco salad 5
almonds and pb (eeks) 3
really, probably need to
add 1.5 for misc.... 1.5

Not too bad......a little worried about tomorrow.....pod luncheon.....possible dinner out.....

I think what I am seriously getting tired of is working my pah tootie off to make up for the week end....something to think about.................Question of the day.......will I try to make good choices tomorrow? Y_____ N_____

Check one............